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12 Pics To Compare Disney Princesses To The Actresses That Were Chosen To Embody Them In Live

Apr 18, 2023Apr 18, 2023

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If you were one of the countless children who grew up singing along with Disney princesses and fantasizing about experiencing "part of that world," you were likely thrilled to see these iconic ladies come to life in live action adaptations of their stories.

From Mulan to Snow White, Disney has been working hard to create new versions of many of the princesses we know and love, so below, you can meet the women who had the chance to turn their childhood dreams into a reality. Enjoy learning a bit about these actors and the iconic roles they were able to portray, and keep reading to find a conversation with Lisa Dawn, the woman behind The Princess Blog!

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Emma Watson might be most well known for her portrayal of Hermione Granger, but in 2017, she shined on the big screen as the "most peculiar mademoiselle" Princess Belle. When discussing this live action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast with ABC News, director Bill Condon said, "Emma Watson was our first, and really our only, choice for Belle for a lot of reasons: her talent, her beauty, her intelligence."

Belle is known for having her head buried in books, and Watson, who has an English literature degree from Brown University and is set to complete her master's degree in creative writing at Oxford University, is also an avid reader. "I grew up on film sets, and books were my connection to the outside world," she told Vanity Fair. "Later in life, they became an escape, a means of empowerment, a friend I could rely on." Both the princess and actor are also passionate about feminism, as Belle always asserts her opinions, and Watson has championed the UN Women's HeforShe campaign.


I thought she was great 💀 I don't get why so many people are going off about her, is it just bc of how she looks?

To learn more about these iconic princesses from an expert, we reached out to author and the woman behind The Princess Blog, Lisa Dawn. Lucky for us, Lisa was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda about what she loves most about Disney princesses. "I love that [they] encourage us to be the best version of ourselves through kindness, compassion, and ingenuity," she shared. "They provide inspiration and encourage us not to give up on our dreams, even in the most dire of circumstances. For instance, if Cinderella had given in to the abuse of her wicked stepfamily, she never would have had the opportunity to go to the ball and become a princess. These stories represent hope for a better tomorrow."

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In 2019, Disney released their live action version of Aladdin, starring English singer and actor Naomi Scott as Jasmine. Scott, whose mother is from Uganda and of Gujarati Indian descent, is proud of her Indian roots and has sported traditional Indian jewelry on Instagram before. An accomplished actor who's also starred in Charlie's Angels and Power Rangers, Scott was a welcomed casting choice for the princess who finds ‘A Whole New World’.

Erum Salam at The Guardian explained how meaningful it was to see a brown princess be deemed beautiful by Disney when she was a child, and how great it is to have a live action version now too. "As an adult, I’m well aware I don't need that validation, but for a younger generation, it's a chance to finally see themselves represented on screen by a real person playing a character they have also probably been compared to their entire life."


I loved the life action. People are hating on Will Smith' Genie but I thought he did a great job. I especially liked that he did NOT try to just copy Robin Williams Genie and that he toned his acting down and didn't try to make it into something else. And they gave the story back to the titular hero and gave us a great princess on the way. I thought it was well balanced and really respectful. I also thought it was very decent to give that role to a person of colour. It should have been a black person all along. They were better fitting into the cultural context since the story came from their geographical region and is part of their inheritance. Although Robin William's Genie was great!

We were also curious which Disney princess Lisa loves the most, and she shared that her favorite is Ariel. "Her passion and bravery in taking risks to chase after her dreams was an inspiration to me when I transitioned into adulthood," Lisa explained. "Not only does she rescue her own prince, but she was also willing to make a deal with the nefarious sea witch to seek her own happiness. Many people wouldn't have the courage to do that and settle for mediocre lives."

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Although there hasn't yet been a live action remake of the 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty, the princess Briar Rose has been portrayed by actor Elle Fanning in the 2014 film Maleficent, which tells the story of the vengeful witch who curses Sleeping Beauty. And lucky for Fanning, she actually had the chance to portray the princess she was always partial to. "Of the Disney princesses, Sleeping Beauty was my favorite because I looked like her the most," she told the Daily Beast in 2014. "So I’d always gravitate towards her items at the toy store.

The first Maleficent was filmed when Fanning was only 14 years old, but she managed to impress audiences, as well as her co-star Angelina Jolie. "She always held herself so well and she always had such grace and she's such a strong actor that you never seemed like a child," Jolie told ET in 2019. "You've also maintained -- which I think is almost unheard of in this business -- such sweetness and gratitude for the job and for every minute and for everybody."


Really enjoyed Maleficent! The actors were well cast.

On the other hand, however, Lisa noted that her least favorite princess is Merida, "which is ironic because she's the other fellow redhead," she added. "I felt like Merida didn't embody most of the traits that make princesses so special. Instead of being compassionate, she was selfish and rejected the opportunity to help her family and her kingdom."

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Cinderella has been deemed the most popular Disney princess of all time, being the fan favorite in 76 countries, so finding a real life actress who was able to capture her essence certainly wasn't taken lightly. But lucky for fans all over the world, Downton Abbey star Lily James was able to perfectly fill the glass slippers of this princess. In fact, James originally auditioned for a stepsister role in the 2015 film, but director Kenneth Branagh knew she deserved to find her Prince Charming.

"She's a funny kid. She knew there's a beautiful absurdity about [the story] as well," Branagh told ABC News. "Ultimately, it need not be taken that seriously, and that was a Cinderella quality that we wanted. She still was completely professional and committed to it, but she had a lightness of spirit about it which we thought was perfect for our Cinderella."



When it comes to the live action adaptations, Lisa said they generally don't measure up to the original animated classics. "They're a lazy way to copy and paste popular movies in the hopes that they benefit from the success of the originals," she explained. "The remakes also draw attention away from the beautiful animated art form that made Disney such a successful company in the first place."

Instead, Lisa says she would prefer to see new adaptations of these stories, many of which are very different from the Disney versions. "Did you know that in the Perrault version of ‘Sleeping Beauty,’ the prince's mother turned out to be an ogre who tried to eat their children?"

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Now, we know that Alice is not technically a princess, but she's another iconic Disney leading lady that we just couldn't resist including on this list! Australian actress Mia Wasikowska starred as the leading role in Tim Burton's whimsical 2010 rendition of Alice in Wonderland.

Wasikowska, who was a relatively unknown actor at the time, shared with The Guardian in 2010 that it was "kind of bizarre" seeing all of the film's posters and merchandise come out, and admitted that she experienced a bit of anxiety "playing a character so beloved by so many people." But her portrayal undoubtedly captivated audiences around the world. "All of [Tim Burton's] films are so beautiful, works of art in their own right," the leading actress noted, and Alice in Wonderland was certainly no exception.

Disney Report

The movie was OK, but that wasn't the fault of the actress - she did a very good job

We also asked the expert who she would like to see star in the next live action Disney princess film, but she noted that it's best to see "new faces" make their acting debuts as fairy tale princesses. "For instance, Halle Bailey had a small role in Grown-ish and was in a singing duo with her sister, Chloe, before she got cast as Ariel, but it wasn't until after Disney announced her casting that she became a household name," Lisa explained. "I think it's partly due to that fact that she seems to capture the wide-eyed innocence of the character so well."

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Many women have had the honor of playing the beloved princess Cinderella, including Drew Barrymore, who took on the role in the 1998 film Ever After. And although Barrymore has had an extensive career in Hollywood, she mentioned in 2023 that her experience playing Cinderella actually "changed [her] life forever."

"You know, when you have those very clear times in your life — incidences, situations, circumstances — that you know your life went in a better direction for and from, and this is that for me," Barrymore said recently on her talk show, while discussing Ever After. "There's no question."

Disney Report

Highly enjoyable movie.

"In terms of remakes that haven't been made yet, I'd love to see an enthusiastic little girl start her career in the role of Sofia the First, another one of my favorites," Lisa continued. "Back in 2013, Annie Leibowitz added this photograph of Taylor Swift as Rapunzel to her ‘Year of a Million Dreams’ series depicting celebrities as Disney characters. I thought it was a perfect fit because Taylor's personality is such a good match for the character."

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The iconic warrior princess Mulan has been portrayed in live action films twice now, but the first one, which was released in 2009 and features a nearly entirely Chinese cast, stars Zhao Wei as the protagonist. Mulan: Rise of a Warrior has been praised as the more realistic version of the story, and director Jingle Ma said Zhao was "perfect for [her] role" because she possesses all of the traits he imagined for his film.

Zhao has starred in many Chinese blockbuster films, including Shaolin Soccer, Red Cliff, and The Founding of a Republic, and her more traditional portrayal of Mulan is certainly worth checking out if you’re a fan of this beloved warrior woman.

Disney Report

The life action was horrible. Not the actresses fault but they completely botched the story. Mulan was a real life girl fighting to fit into the world and learning to expand her abilities and grow. At the end she was an encouragement for everyone. The animated movie showed trie equality between men and women, it showed that everyone struggles and has to learn and grow to become their best. The real life action made her a brat with supernatural powers who looked down at everyone. I hated it.

"From what I've seen, I find that Disney fans are generally burnt out from all the remakes and would prefer to see more original stories or new adaptations that incorporate the animated art form," Lisa went on to note. "I'm particularly excited about Wish, which is coming out this November and is meant to pay tribute to a century of Disney animation. It will feature a new heroine/princess named Asha who embarks on a quest to save the magical kingdom of Rosas from a wicked king. I've also heard rumors of an animated Disney adaptation of ‘The Princess and the Pea’ in the works, which has been attempted by other studios in the past."

If you’d like to hear more from the princess expert and keep up with all of the news she shares, be sure to visit Lisa's website The Princess Blog right here!

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The second live action adaptation of Mulan, which premiered in 2020, stars Chinese-American actress Liu Yifei. And landing the role of this warrior princess was no easy feat, as the casting directors for the film searched across five continents to find the perfect actor. "They looked to hire a young Chinese woman who had credible martial arts skills, was able to speak English, and had star quality," Elle reported.

In the film, Yifei sings and performs 90% of her own stunts. About her role, she told Interview Magazine, "Her motivation was love, her love for her father, and her journey of finding out who she truly is. That was my homework, and I would say that it motivated me to prepare myself mentally, but also physically, with a lot of gym stuff, fight training, horse training. But at its core, Mulan is really about the character, the spirit. She is such a famous character, but I also wanted to be myself. It was all about balance and choice. It's always brave to be yourself."


I don't really like the actor for mulan as a person. She supports police brutality, and the movie was shot in the area the Uyghur Muslims are being detained.Edit: Lots are pointing out that that may have not been her actual opinion, so I understand that now. Sorry for putting that in the first place.

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We may still be awaiting a proper live action adaptation of Snow White, but we were granted the film Mirror Mirror in 2012, where actress Lily Collins took on the role of the beloved princess. This version of the story focuses more on the Queen's story, who was played by Julia Roberts, but Collins was still thrilled to take part in the film. So happy, in fact, that she actually couldn't believe she had been given the role at first.

"I thought it was an April Fools joke," she revealed in a 2012 interview. "When I found out it wasn't, I screamed and I started crying and laughing at the same time. They were horrific tears, laughter, and screaming combined. I couldn't believe it. It's definitely bizarre seeing your face on a bus or billboard."

Disney Report

Unless I am missing something, this wasn't a Disney film

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Another unique adaptation of Cinderella's story takes place in the Stephen Sondheim musical Into the Woods, which received a film version in 2014, directed by Rob Marshall. In this version, Anna Kendrick plays the classic princess who loses a shoe, and who, in the end, doesn't even end up with her prince.

"What's interesting about this version, and what's very modern about this one, is that not only does Cinderella leave her prince, but she leaves with forgiveness and respect and compassion for [him]," Kendrick told Vulture in 2014. "It's not black and white for her. It's not even black and white for the prince, who lives a pretty black-and-white life… There is something extremely relevant and modern about the idea of civility in separation."

Disney Report

Not quite the same…

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This live action adaptation of The Little Mermaid was released on May 26, 2023, and stars 23-year-old actor Halle Bailey. And although Halle may not be twins with her cartoon counterpart, she has been called "as naturally Disneyfied as real human beings can get," and has been celebrated for bringing a beautiful portrayal of Ariel that many more children can see themselves in.

Singer Kelly Rowland called the new film an "epic watch," and Bailey's ability to "belt like a Broadway star" has been praised. In fact, she even received support from the original voice of Ariel in the 1989 film, Jodi Benson. "Halle's interpretation of Ariel is absolutely beautiful," she told People. "The casting has been done so perfectly. It's about the heart of the character."


Why did they change her appearance exactly?

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Disney's live action Snow White won't be appearing on screens near you until 2024, but we can fill you in on who will be starring as this beloved princess. Rachel Zegler, the radiant star of West Side Story, will be gracing audiences with her rendition of ‘Some Day My Prince Will Come’.

And while there have not been too many details about the film released just yet, Rachel has been spotted in her iconic dress on set already. This glimpse is just enough to get audiences excited about the new movie, as we’ve had to wait over 80 years for Disney to finally give us a live action rendition of their very first princess.


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Adelaide Ross is a writer at Bored Panda. She is originally from Texas and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting from Oklahoma City University. In the years since her graduation, she has lived in Los Angeles, Sweden, England and now Lithuania. In her free time, Adelaide enjoys traveling, experimenting with new vegan recipes, taking long walks in parks (wearing plenty of SPF!) and crafting the perfect glass of cold brew.

Vėja is a photo editor at Bored Panda. After dropping out of university she took Adobe creative courses and started looking for a job to learn more about this type of work. She wants to deepen her knowledge in graphic design and one day make illustrations for books, magazines, etc. In her free time, she enjoys gaming and watching anime

When will Disney stop with all the unnecessary "live action" remakes and make better new stories? Disney has been losing its charm for the past few years and each new movie sucks more than the previous

I'm gobsmacked that they're ALREADY making a live-action Moana. The animated one only came out in 2016! That was only SEVEN years ago! Cripes!

Same. Not to mention, I’m terrified that they’ll either botch my favorite part, which is Tamatoa, or omit him entirely from the film.

Tamatoa was the only part I liked. I hope they make him more monstrous than just a big coconut crab though.

To be completely honest, I found Moana to be a bit low key after watching Zootopia earlier that same year. However, the part with Tamatoa slayed. He basically reminded me why I missed classic Disney villains so damn much. Also, his song was awesome.

Woooo Tamatoa!! (Random fact, my school is doing a summer show which is Moana and I wanna be him so bad)


wait they are!?

I think Disney has been making some amazing content lately, but it isn't the movies. "The Owl House", "Amphibia", and "Star vs The Forces of Evil" are all quality TV shows that I could watch again and again. Also, don't forget about "Gravity Falls" and the "DuckTales" reboot, which was much better than the original series. I'm 40yo, and love watching these new cartoons. As far as movies go, the last Disney movie I loved was either "Wreck-It Ralph", or "Tangled", I just can't remember which came first. I thought that "Frozen" was awful, and "Moana" was good enough, but I'm not sure that it deserves a rewatch, let alone a live action remake.

Those are wonderful shows woo!

Pixar and Dreamworks is coming out with some really cool original stories. Elementals is one. There's another about a girl who discovers she's a half-Kraken princess. The trailor was interesting. Seems like all the creative ideas are going to Pixar and Disney is just riding the classics wave.

The kraken one is by Dreamworks. Pixar does create good movies but I feel that Disney has started to influence them as well

Oh right, Dreamworks.

Dreamworks has started making better movies these days. I like how they’re doing nowadays with all the upcoming movies

Since 2020, not including Marvel, Star Wars, or other franchises (I even omitted Lightyear) or movies based off books (including Pinocchio) here is a list of original movies produced by Disney (I am including Pixar because it seems ridiculous not to).761. 2020: Onward (Pixar) (PG)772. 2020: Soul (Pixar) (PG) [Disney+]775. 2021: Raya and the Last Dragon (PG) [Theatrical & Disney+]777. 2021: Luca (Pixar) (PG) [Theatrical & Disney+]779. 2021: Jungle Cruise (PG-13) [Theatrical & Disney+]782. 2021: Encanto787. 2022: Turning Red (Pixar) (PG) [Disney+]801. 2022: Strange World (PG)You can tell I deleted a lot from that list, as it included several things like MCU titles, nature documentaries, and sequels/spin offs. I don't see it as bad that Disney is doing those things, but I wanted to make a point that 7-8 original high quality full length movies in just three years is A LOT, and again, this is omitting a fair amount.

Don't know what you mean with high quality because most on the list were garbage and didn't perform to well in the box office.

So strange that movies released during covid while theaters were shut down or mostly shut down didn't perform well in the box office. I'm not sure what your standard is, but the movies on that list are generally of the same quality that disney movies of the past have been, which isn't to say they are all timeless masterworks but they aren't hot garbage (i mean, Jungle Cruise was pretty much fluff, but Encanto was easily peak Disney) At any rate, the complaint was that Disney isn't producing original content, but clearly THEY ARE. Again, that's leaving out the prolific releases for their franchises that were, again, not ageless masterworks but certainly also not all trash or just a rehash of something in a new medium, and again, that's over the last three years, not the last ten years, which would be a more reasonable look at what Disney has produced and would include a fair chunk of other quality original content and some box office hits. Meanwhile, the trend of a dozen terrible sequels was established in the 1980's so you can't claim that's some new annoying thing. I'm not saying everything Disney does is good, but if you don't like the live action remakes, you are spoiled for other choices so just, you know, watch something else.

Honestly it's probably because of the writers strike and no one willing to make anything new so they have to just take stuff from the past and make it horrible.

basically Hollywood has been making dumb remakes and unnecessary sequals for years now. don't think this is related to any writers strike but more to new generations incompetence.

Halle Bailey doesn't deserve the hate she got :3

No definitely not. But Disney deserves hate for not adapting the story with more of the original message of selflessness and reason but stick with the horrible story of a 26 year old throwing herself at a stranger. And Disney deserves hate gor abusing Halle's skin colour to distract from that

Pretty much this.She's a victim of an uncaring dying company.Probably while being convinced it would be such a good thing for her career.Sadly it once would have been, when Disney still had a soul.

Ariel's supposed to be 16. The message from both movies, that I got, is that just because a group of people look different, live different, etc, and that there are some bad apples, doesn't mean they're all bad. That's what the new Little Mermaid focused on more, but the message was also there in the og LM.

Well I mean all the remakes are kind of soulless. It's not like Beauty live action had a better message.

Nah. The only critique I have, and this may not have been her fault, the songs she sang were an octave or 2 higher than the original and she really raised the notes at the end and the song ended awkward. In the animated version, she ended Part Of Your World by humming and then Sebastian crashed into her stuff and interrupted her. In this version, the song just ended anti-climatic. There were other odd things, such as the flat acting. But otherwise it wasn't a terrible movie. I prefer the animated version though.

I saw the clip of Sebastian singing under the sea. We all need to accept the fact that there are a laundry list of reasons why the remake will suck that have nothing to do with ethnicity of the actress playing Ariel.

But every criticism will be blamed on racism anyways

And I'm cynical enough that that might be the reason they picked her.

i saw the remake on saturday, and it was actually really good imo. but there are little details like that and a somewhat different ending, and you just have to ignore that and watch it with an open mind.

The new guys do not get that you need to stylise non human characters to make them more relatable. Fish and crab eyes can't show emotions we would recognise.Same with their mouths.Enlarge the eyes, give them some shimmer and highlights and make the mouth more mobile.Hyper realism is not the best option to create cute animal companions.

Exactly. All the remakes, even the ones people liked, like Beauty and the Beast were kind of soulless. Aladdin had no heart. They are all kind of like this. It's not the actress fault. It's that these remakes are kind of blah and made to make money.

I need to know if Ariel has immunity to jellyfish stings.

When will Disney stop with all the unnecessary "live action" remakes and make better new stories? Disney has been losing its charm for the past few years and each new movie sucks more than the previous

I'm gobsmacked that they're ALREADY making a live-action Moana. The animated one only came out in 2016! That was only SEVEN years ago! Cripes!

Same. Not to mention, I’m terrified that they’ll either botch my favorite part, which is Tamatoa, or omit him entirely from the film.

Tamatoa was the only part I liked. I hope they make him more monstrous than just a big coconut crab though.

To be completely honest, I found Moana to be a bit low key after watching Zootopia earlier that same year. However, the part with Tamatoa slayed. He basically reminded me why I missed classic Disney villains so damn much. Also, his song was awesome.

Woooo Tamatoa!! (Random fact, my school is doing a summer show which is Moana and I wanna be him so bad)


wait they are!?

I think Disney has been making some amazing content lately, but it isn't the movies. "The Owl House", "Amphibia", and "Star vs The Forces of Evil" are all quality TV shows that I could watch again and again. Also, don't forget about "Gravity Falls" and the "DuckTales" reboot, which was much better than the original series. I'm 40yo, and love watching these new cartoons. As far as movies go, the last Disney movie I loved was either "Wreck-It Ralph", or "Tangled", I just can't remember which came first. I thought that "Frozen" was awful, and "Moana" was good enough, but I'm not sure that it deserves a rewatch, let alone a live action remake.

Those are wonderful shows woo!

Pixar and Dreamworks is coming out with some really cool original stories. Elementals is one. There's another about a girl who discovers she's a half-Kraken princess. The trailor was interesting. Seems like all the creative ideas are going to Pixar and Disney is just riding the classics wave.

The kraken one is by Dreamworks. Pixar does create good movies but I feel that Disney has started to influence them as well

Oh right, Dreamworks.

Dreamworks has started making better movies these days. I like how they’re doing nowadays with all the upcoming movies

Since 2020, not including Marvel, Star Wars, or other franchises (I even omitted Lightyear) or movies based off books (including Pinocchio) here is a list of original movies produced by Disney (I am including Pixar because it seems ridiculous not to).761. 2020: Onward (Pixar) (PG)772. 2020: Soul (Pixar) (PG) [Disney+]775. 2021: Raya and the Last Dragon (PG) [Theatrical & Disney+]777. 2021: Luca (Pixar) (PG) [Theatrical & Disney+]779. 2021: Jungle Cruise (PG-13) [Theatrical & Disney+]782. 2021: Encanto787. 2022: Turning Red (Pixar) (PG) [Disney+]801. 2022: Strange World (PG)You can tell I deleted a lot from that list, as it included several things like MCU titles, nature documentaries, and sequels/spin offs. I don't see it as bad that Disney is doing those things, but I wanted to make a point that 7-8 original high quality full length movies in just three years is A LOT, and again, this is omitting a fair amount.

Don't know what you mean with high quality because most on the list were garbage and didn't perform to well in the box office.

So strange that movies released during covid while theaters were shut down or mostly shut down didn't perform well in the box office. I'm not sure what your standard is, but the movies on that list are generally of the same quality that disney movies of the past have been, which isn't to say they are all timeless masterworks but they aren't hot garbage (i mean, Jungle Cruise was pretty much fluff, but Encanto was easily peak Disney) At any rate, the complaint was that Disney isn't producing original content, but clearly THEY ARE. Again, that's leaving out the prolific releases for their franchises that were, again, not ageless masterworks but certainly also not all trash or just a rehash of something in a new medium, and again, that's over the last three years, not the last ten years, which would be a more reasonable look at what Disney has produced and would include a fair chunk of other quality original content and some box office hits. Meanwhile, the trend of a dozen terrible sequels was established in the 1980's so you can't claim that's some new annoying thing. I'm not saying everything Disney does is good, but if you don't like the live action remakes, you are spoiled for other choices so just, you know, watch something else.

Honestly it's probably because of the writers strike and no one willing to make anything new so they have to just take stuff from the past and make it horrible.

basically Hollywood has been making dumb remakes and unnecessary sequals for years now. don't think this is related to any writers strike but more to new generations incompetence.

Halle Bailey doesn't deserve the hate she got :3

No definitely not. But Disney deserves hate for not adapting the story with more of the original message of selflessness and reason but stick with the horrible story of a 26 year old throwing herself at a stranger. And Disney deserves hate gor abusing Halle's skin colour to distract from that

Pretty much this.She's a victim of an uncaring dying company.Probably while being convinced it would be such a good thing for her career.Sadly it once would have been, when Disney still had a soul.

Ariel's supposed to be 16. The message from both movies, that I got, is that just because a group of people look different, live different, etc, and that there are some bad apples, doesn't mean they're all bad. That's what the new Little Mermaid focused on more, but the message was also there in the og LM.

Well I mean all the remakes are kind of soulless. It's not like Beauty live action had a better message.

Nah. The only critique I have, and this may not have been her fault, the songs she sang were an octave or 2 higher than the original and she really raised the notes at the end and the song ended awkward. In the animated version, she ended Part Of Your World by humming and then Sebastian crashed into her stuff and interrupted her. In this version, the song just ended anti-climatic. There were other odd things, such as the flat acting. But otherwise it wasn't a terrible movie. I prefer the animated version though.

I saw the clip of Sebastian singing under the sea. We all need to accept the fact that there are a laundry list of reasons why the remake will suck that have nothing to do with ethnicity of the actress playing Ariel.

But every criticism will be blamed on racism anyways

And I'm cynical enough that that might be the reason they picked her.

i saw the remake on saturday, and it was actually really good imo. but there are little details like that and a somewhat different ending, and you just have to ignore that and watch it with an open mind.

The new guys do not get that you need to stylise non human characters to make them more relatable. Fish and crab eyes can't show emotions we would recognise.Same with their mouths.Enlarge the eyes, give them some shimmer and highlights and make the mouth more mobile.Hyper realism is not the best option to create cute animal companions.

Exactly. All the remakes, even the ones people liked, like Beauty and the Beast were kind of soulless. Aladdin had no heart. They are all kind of like this. It's not the actress fault. It's that these remakes are kind of blah and made to make money.

I need to know if Ariel has immunity to jellyfish stings.

Bored Panda